A time for gold and resiliency

A scheduling error caused yesterday’s email to go out at midnight Eastern rather than our normal time slot. Sorry about that.

The big news today is the escalation of the war in Eastern Europe… which is both troubling and completely senseless.

We live in a world of abundance with space-age technology. The average person in the developed world enjoys far more comforts and luxuries than the wealthiest kings and nobles alive 200 years ago.

And even those in the developing world are seeing their living standards gradually rise. I say this with a little first-hand experience.

Our non-profit foundation funded a project in Uganda last year. A considerable portion of the Ugandan population still lives in homes with no running water and no electricity. Yet, most households have a mobile phone with satellite connectivity. And some homes are starting to get solar panels – which are functional year-round in the area.

This technology is improving the quality of life for regular folks in the villages. It’s slow progress… but it’s progress nonetheless.

Meanwhile, “leaders” of western countries are shooting drones and missiles at each other like it’s a degenerate video game – threatening an escalation that could have a dramatic impact on regular people all over the world. I find no words strong enough to condemn these people for how evil they are.

On the financial side, gold has jumped nearly $100 in the spot market over the past week. It had pulled back over $200 the prior two weeks on hope that the next president’s administration here in the US would end the wars and balance the budget. Gold’s just not as important in a sane world.

Alas, the powers that be are working overtime to ensure that our world stays insane. As such, gold and home resiliency are of critical importance right now.

Still, I refuse to be black-pilled on the matter. There’s an old saying that the light cannot survive the dark. And the light is shining bright right now…

-Joe Withrow

P.S. Below is the third highlight video in the series I’ve shared with you this week. These are taken from Monday’s presentation, which is right here: the full webinar replay is right here: https://phoenician-league.lpages.co/financial-freedom-webinar-replay-tw