The first snow flurry of the season descended upon the mountains of Virginia yesterday.
It came seemingly from nowhere. Temperatures were just in the 50s earlier in the week. But they dropped below freezing and ushered in a robust 30-minute flurry – reminding me that it’s time to move the firewood.
I walked outside to snap a few shots of the season’s first snow… and a young family of deer happened to meander through the field. Here they are:

Sometimes I joke that you’re more likely to see deer than people up in my neck of the woods. But it’s true. They are always coming and going – making their way out of the woods and across the fields… and back into the woods again.
I’m not sure what motivates their migration patterns. What I do know is that they seem beyond confused any time I happen to step outside and into their view.
The adult deer always stop what they are doing and give me the once-over. It’s almost like they think I’m out of place. Like I shouldn’t be here. Then I have to explain to them what woke policies have done to our once great American cities… that seems to clear up any misunderstandings.
I suppose the economics of being a deer is fairly simple. Consume more calories than you burn each day… and then do it again the next.
For us humans, it gets a little more complicated. How do we manage our money to ensure financial security – especially given all the uncertainties out there?
My suggestion: craft a financial freedom plan that mimics the world’s best business. We talked about how right here.
Have a wonderful weekend!
-Joe Withrow