On retirement, incentives, and perpetual growth

Sooner or later, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences. -Robert Louis Stevenson

We’re talking all things personal finance 101 this week, and this quote seems to fit.

For those just joining us, what we consider modern financial planning has its roots in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). That act passed in 1974.

This legislation created 401(k)s and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA). And it laid out the framework for what we consider “retirement” planning today.

As we discussed yesterday, ERISA pushed millions of people into the financial markets for the first time. Then an entire industry grew up around the concept of “retirement”. This inadvertently set the stage for new challenges… the challenges we face today.

These challenges went unnoticed at first. But now that the Age of Paper Wealth has sunsetted, we’re entering an entirely new economic climate. Thus, we must ask – what are the unintended ripples of this seminal act?

ERISA was constructed as though the Age of Paper Wealth would last forever. That age saw plummeting interest rates and rising stock prices. This gave rise to the belief that perpetual growth was inevitable.

The financial markets today still operate under that assumption. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. That’s still a popular statement in the realm of investment research.

This leaves us with a modern quagmire.

Interest rates are now on the rise. And we’re seeing volatility around both the stock market and consumer price inflation. Everything is whipsawing back and forth because investors don’t know yet what to make of this new climate.

Plus, rising rates are putting a major strain on some very important budgets. Corporate bankruptcies are on the rise. And deeply indebted national governments are facing rapidly increasing debt service costs. Thatsets the stage for potential tax hikes in the near future.

With all these moving parts at work, the financial strategies once deemed foolproof now appear on shaky ground. And that’s not news. Many people already understand this. They feel it.

But ERISA and the retirement industry perpetuated the idea that there was but one approach to financial planning. They trained people to pour their savings in the financial markets for “growth”. And their idea of diversification is simply to buy stocks and funds across different industries.

Simply put, this approach won’t work well in the current climate. Yet, the retirement industry won’t let it go.

I don’t see this as malice. It’s understandable. It’s just their incentive.

The retirement industry gained tens of millions of captive customers over the last forty years. These customers collectively poured trillions of dollars into qualified retirement plans… and most of those plans generate billions in fees for the industry.

They need those billions to stay in business. That’s why they can’t let “personal finance 101” change. Their business model depends on the status-quo.

But the status-quo will leave a lot of people in a very difficult spot going forward. We’ll talk about some solutions tomorrow…

-Joe Withrow

P.S. The days of perpetual growth are over. At some point that will become evident even to the retirement industry. And that means the current model is broken.

Are you ready to create financial independence outside the broken system? If you are, it’s time to go Beyond the Nest Egg.

The retirement industry and its ripple effect…

Yesterday we discussed the genesis of modern financial planning. It all stems from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) that passed in 1974.

ERISA was more than just legislation. It sparked a transformative wave in financial planning. In fact, it created the entire “retirement” industry.

That being the case, we need to ask ourselves an important question. How did this single act shift our perspectives and practices?

Before ERISA, employees didn’t have to spend much time planning for retirement. That’s because they could count on receiving payments from both Social Security and a corporate pension plan after they retired. These programs guaranteed a steady stream of income for life.

Many people supplemented these items with personal savings. That became known as the “three-legged stool” concept. As long as all three legs were in place, retirement planning was simple.

However, as we moved into the 1970s and 80s, it became very clear that corporate pensions just weren’t sustainable. That leg of the stool was starting to teeter.

That’s why ERISA created 401(k)s and IRAs. They were to be a replacement for guaranteed pension plans.

With this shift, employees suddenly were responsible for their own retirement investments. Financial planning was no longer a distant concern. It quickly became a pressing necessity.

And that’s when the floodgates opened.

As we discussed yesterday, Wall Street very rapidly gained millions of new captive customers. They responded by creating all kinds of funds designed to go into 401(k) plans. These funds were laced with hidden fees. That made them quite lucrative for the funds’ creators.

Of course, these fees ate into the funds’ performance. Many 401(k) plans consistently underperformed the market year after year. Fees were one reason for that.

In addition, many of these funds chose their investments based on “optics”. That is to say, the fund managers moved in and out of positions based on what they thought looked the best to the companies they were pitching their funds to. In other words, the fund managers had incentives that weren’t always aligned with those of normal investors.

Still, this approach to personal finance worked reasonably well during The Age of Paper Wealth. From 1982 to 2022, interest rates consistently fell and U.S. stocks consistently went up… taking even the most mediocre of 401(k) funds up with them.

But as we’ve been discussing, that age is over. Rates are now on the rise… and investors are still grappling with what that means for the stock market.

That’s why we’ve seen so much volatility of late – big swings down followed by big swings up. Nobody under the age of 70 has been an adult in a world where rates didn’t constantly fall and stocks constantly rise.

Yet, personal finance 101 has refused to change. The retirement industry is still peddling the same advice as it has for forty years now. And that’s led to some unexpected reverberations. We’ll talk about those tomorrow…

-Joe Withrow

P.S. Personal finance 101 may not want to change… but it will have to. Sooner or later the world will realize that it’s broken. And that means it’s time to rethink our thinking.

Are you ready to create financial independence outside the broken system? Well my friend, it’s time to go Beyond the Nest Egg.

The Genesis of Modern Financial Planning

Financial independence is the ability to live from the income of your own personal resources. –Jim Rohn

Many years ago I made the decision to pursue financial independence. That is to say, I wanted to create a situation where I was in full control of both my time and my money.

With that goal in mind, I began reading books on personal finance. Personal Finance for DummiesThe Truth About MoneyFinancial Peace – I read all the popular personal finance books at the time.

What jumped out at me was how uniform each book was in their suggestions. They were all reading from the same script.

I figured that was a good thing at the time. If all these popular books agree, they must be on to something—right?

Well… yes and no. It turns out there was a very specific reason why the top personal finance books each peddled the same advice.

The United States Congress passed legislation in 1974 that would shape the future of personal finance in America for decades to come. That act was the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, otherwise known as “ERISA”.

In the early 1970s, corporate bankruptcy storms blew through America. They left workers without the pensions they’d been promised. Retirement dreams turned to nightmares. This fueled public outrage throughout the country.

ERISA was Congress’s answer. The legislation passed in 1974. Then it was expanded in 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984, and 1986.

ERISA created qualified retirement plans like 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Then it detailed all kinds of rules, limits, and requirements for these plans.

What’s more, Congress designed the legislation to appease the general public’s desire for security.

ERISA demanded that those at the helm of retirement plans act in the best interests of participants. Congress said the act would provide a shield against mismanagement. And they told workers it would provide them with safeguards.

The legislation also mandated regular, transparent disclosures about retirement plans to participants. The idea was that this would keep employees in the loop. The reality, of course, is that nobody actually reads any of these legal disclosures.

Regardless, its proponents could only regard ERISA as a tremendous success. That single piece of legislation completely reshaped retirement planning in America. And it set the stage for The Age of Paper Wealth.

That’s because the act herded American savings into the financial markets. Employees with no investment experience began funneling their money into funds of various types.

Naturally, Wall Street loved it. The Wall Street firms creating these funds suddenly had millions of new customers. Captive customers, even. And that meant their fees went through the roof.

This institutionalized retirement planning as an industry unto itself. And as with any industry, self-preservation became a prime objective.

This created a ripple effect that has an impact still to this day. More on that tomorrow…

-Joe Withrow

P.S. I know sharp-eyed readers can see where we’re going this week. ERISA paved the way for an institutionalized personal finance industry… but that industry is broken. Today, it exists not to serve customers, but to serve itself.

The Age of Paper Wealth has ended. And that means it’s time to rethink everything we thought we know about finance.

It’s time to go Beyond the Nest Egg.

The stock market’s new era…

Quick question… When you think of the stock market, what comes to mind?

Is it the rapid rollercoaster of ups and downs? The joy of watching a stock you own soar, or the sinking feeling when it plunges?

I’m here to share a secret with you—one that’s been right under our noses for over half a century but remains almost hidden.

We’re all familiar with the unpredictability of the stock market. Some days it’s smooth sailing. Others, it feels like navigating stormy waters.

But what if I told you there’s a way to anchor your portfolio—a way to ensure it remains stable, even amidst the fiercest of market storms?

Throughout my multi-decade journey deep into the realm of investment research, I’ve been on a relentless quest. A quest to discover the ultimate method to craft an unshakeable portfolio. One that stands tall through changing times, economic climates, and fleeting market trends.

From the commodities craze in the ’70s, the tech bubble of the ’90s, to the recent uproar over metaverses, NFTs, and interest rate hikes – the market is continually evolving.

However, many of these trends fizzle out, sometimes leaving catastrophic financial scars. Imagine watching a portfolio, once on the brink of reaching a million dollars, collapse to a mere fraction of its worth. That happened to more than a few investors during the dot-com bubble.

The savviest of investors—those who have truly mastered the game—know the trick isn’t chasing the shiniest new trend. Instead, it’s about laying down a robust foundation. It’s being grounded in timeless principles and strategies. And that’s where the 56-year-old secret comes into play.

Introducing: Cornerstone of an Equity Portfolio Report

This isn’t just another financial guide filled with hollow promises. This is a treasure trove that reveals a class of stocks that quietly compound returns, year after year. These are the hidden gems. They aren’t flashy… but they are steady.

We lay it all out in this comprehensive report. And we’ll breakdown exactly how to analyze and value these stocks. Remember, even the best companies are bad investments at the wrong valuation.

The best part? We’ve identified two trophy stocks that are in buy range today.

These aren’t just fleeting opportunities. These are investments you can rely on for years. Maybe even decades. These two positions will secure your portfolio and drive consistent returns.

Here’s the thing – the golden age from 1982 to 2022 is over. The Age of Paper Wealth has sunsetted. We’re now sailing into unfamiliar waters. And what worked well in the previous age won’t work so well in the one that is upon us now.

Your financial future deserves more than just a game of chance. It warrants a well-thought-out strategy and an informed approach. And that’s precisely what this report offers.

Are you prepared to fortify your portfolio? Click the link to secure your Cornerstone of an Equity Portfolio Report today!

But please don’t delay. We’re only opening this treasure chest to the public through the weekend. Grab your cornerstone now.

Navigating the Shark Tank: Why Most Retail Investors Sink in the Stock Market

The stock market sometimes appears to glisten with promises of immense wealth. And this tends to lure unsuspecting investors like a shimmering ocean under the sun. We saw this very clearly in 2020 and 2021 with the rise of Reddit traders and “meme” stocks.

But as many of those rookie investors discovered, underneath the enticing waters lies a treacherous realm. These are shark invested waters. And the unprepared often become their prey.

Many of us have heard romantic tales of maverick traders and overnight millionaires. But the reality for most retail investors is far from a storybook epic.

Studies from market research firm Dalbar prove this. They show that the average retail investor underperforms the market year after year. There are several reasons for this:

Short-Term Thinking: The allure of quick profits makes many retail investors jump from one hot stock to another. Amateur investors often chase “the next big thing”. But they don’t take the time to understand anything about the company or the industry.

Emotional Decisions: For many, fear and greed drive their investment choices. When the market dips, fear causes shaky investors to sell. And when the market rips, greed causes amateur investors to buy at absurd valuations.

Limited Research and Knowledge: Without a deep understanding of both the stock market and specific industries, retail investors often base decisions on surface-level information. This is “follow the crowd” investing. And it’s almost always a losing strategy.

So how do we navigate the shark tank that is the stock market?

Instead of swimming aimlessly, what if there was a way to chart a steady course? What if there were a way to build a bulletproof portfolio that will power ahead, regardless of what the overall market does?

Simply put, there is. It all comes down to the 56 year-old secret we discussed yesterday.

Investing in the stock market doesn’t have to be a perilous journey. With the right strategy in place, the sharks can’t touch us. We can navigate these waters with confidence and success.

We lay this strategy bare in our new research report Cornerstone of an Equity Portfolio.

With this report we’ll arm you with the insights and strategies that expert investors use to build a bulletproof portfolio. What’s more, we’ll strip two specific industries down to the nuts and bolts. Then we’ll detail exactly how to analyze the companies within them.

And if that weren’t enough, we’ll take this approach to equity analysis and reveal two trophy stocks that are in buy range today. These are two investments that will compound returns for years to come. Anybody with a brokerage account can make these investments tomorrow.

If you’d like to give our report a look, you can find it right here: Cornerstone of an Equity Portfolio Report

But please don’t delay. We can only keep it up through the weekend.

Buffett’s 56-year Old Secret: The Unnoticed Treasure in Plain Sight

Yesterday we unmasked the flaws in the traditional approach to stock market investing. As we delved into the murky depths, one thing became clear… much of what the world perceives about the stock market is rooted in short-lived trends and fleeting theatrics.

Today, we’re going to shine the light even further into the dark corners. We’re going to talk about an investing secret that’s been hidden in plain sight for over 56 years. This secret holds the key to building a stock portfolio that will drive returns for us year after year.

We can clearly see this secret if we assess Warren Buffett’s track record over the last five decades. It’s right there staring us in the face.

Buffett is generally considered the greatest investor of our time. So you might be wondering, “How could anything about Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most talked-about investors, remain a secret?”

The answer is simple. We have to look at what Buffett has done – not what he’s said in recent years.

The fact is, many stock market enthusiasts like to parrot Buffett’s famous quotes. But very few have taken the time to uncover his true secret.

Buffett’s magic doesn’t stem from merely understanding the stock market. It comes from assessing the nuts and bolts of individual industries. By understanding an industry inside and out, Buffett ensures his investments are grounded in real-world business dynamics. We should do the same.

When we invest in a stock, we are buying partial ownership in the company itself. It’s a simple thing. But we need to treat our equity investments as such.

Think about it like this – would we invest our hard-earned money in a private business we don’t understand? Perhaps the owner sounds like a genius and he paints a beautiful picture for us… but is that enough?

For most of us, the answer is probably no. We want to understand how the business works. That way we can make our own judgments about how it will perform in the years to come.

And that’s because with private investments, there’s no liquidity. We can’t press ‘Sell’ and get out of our investment any time we want. We are in for the long-haul.

Well, Buffett treats stocks the exact same way.

So many investors get swayed by hype and top-line metrics, as we discussed yesterday. Buffett’s approach is different. It’s about understanding business models and industry-specific valuation metrics.

Simply put, Buffett invests in businesses, not stocks. I think we should do the same.

The difference may seem subtle. But this is what separates amateur investors from experts. Amateurs seek temporary thrills. Experts seek long-term wealth.

In a world driven by instant gratification, where stock market success is often measured in quick returns, the lessons from Buffett’s 56-year old secret are more pertinent than ever. The real key lies not in chasing the next big thing, but in understanding and investing in genuine business potential. And that’s where our new Cornerstone of an Equity Portfolio report comes in.

Inspired by this 56 year-old secret, we’ve curated insights that distill this philosophy into easy-to-understand and actionable terms.

This isn’t just another research report. It’s a foundational training that instills true understanding. These principles are rooted in depth and foresight. If you take the time to internalize these concepts, you will become an expert investor yourself.

And as a testament to our research, we’ve identified two specific stocks — echoing Buffett’s principles — that you can invest in today. These are stocks that promise consistent returns, irrespective of the broader market’s whims and fancies.

So we’re going to unveil Buffett’s 56 year-old open secret and we’re going to provide two specific investment suggestions in this report.

These are stocks that will drive returns for years to come, regardless of what the overall market does. And anybody with a brokerage account can buy them tomorrow. These two stocks will anchor your portfolio.

You can get more information by clicking the link below. But please give it a look this week. We can only keep the report available to the public through the weekend.

Cornerstone of an Equity Portfolio Report

Unmasking the Flaws: The Pitfalls of Traditional Equity Analysis

We’re going to dive into the murky depths of the stock market this week. As readers who have been following along for a while now know, this is a subject we haven’t discussed much in these pages.

That’s largely because the financial media puts the stock market at the center of the universe. It’s the Sun around which everything else revolves. It’s the center of modern finance’s heliocentric model.

But from my experience, stocks should make up only one part of a robust asset allocation model. And stock market investments are not the path to financial freedom. They simply help with financial security.

Still, this asset class has a place. As such, we need to look at it with a critical eye.

Here’s the thing – the stock market is a realm of constant evolution. Every epoch has seen its unique set of market trends.

Against this backdrop, the traditional approach to equity analysis hasn’t changed much. And the same approach is parroted throughout the financial media – both official and alternative.

Whether it’s CNBC, Seeking Alpha, or some guy’s YouTube channel, chances are the center of attention is a company’s quarterly earnings report.

Analysts want to know – will the company beat its top-line revenue and earnings per share (EPS) metrics? Or will it provide forward guidance that exceeds Wall Street’s targets?

If the answer is yes, we expect the stock to go up. If the answer is no, we expect it to go down. But have we ever stopped to think about this dynamic?

The fact is, quarterly earnings are just theatre. It’s all just a big game. Wall Street analysts set revenue and EPS targets… and then the market reacts to whether a company hit them. Then we do it all over again in three months.

The EPS metric is often heralded as the crowning jewel of these reports. It’s seen as a litmus test for a company’s health. But is it?

Quarterly earnings reports focus on a company’s short-term performance. That’s baked into the cake. And as we know, short-term results do not reflect a company’s long-term potential.

EPS is a simple metric. It’s just net income divided by outstanding shares. But this simplicity can be deceptive. Stock buybacks, for instance, can inflate the EPS by reducing the denominator (outstanding shares) without any real operational improvements in the company.

In other words, the EPS figure does not give us any useful information to project a stock’s long-term performance.

Yet, companies are acutely aware of the significance investors place on EPS. This sometimes prompts management to “smooth” out the numbers.

This is more common than we might think. And it’s easy to see why. A publicly-traded company’s management team is typically compensated heavily via equity grants.

Thus, management makes more money when their stock price goes up. This creates a very strong temptation to focus on quarterly numbers to the detriment of long-term performance.

That’s why we should never rely on EPS numbers when we are thinking about buying a stock. When all eyes are on earnings and EPS, investors might neglect other crucial financial metrics like free cash flow, debt levels, or return on equity.

Plus, every industry has its own set of unique valuation metrics. We can use them to assess and compare companies across the industry. These metrics aren’t often discussed in earnings reports. But if we don’t do this analysis, we’re flying blind.

Then there’s the media circus to contend with.

Every three months, the financial media fixates upon earnings season. This fixation often leads to stock price volatility. An EPS slightly below expectations can send a stock plummeting… But a marginally higher EPS can trigger a surge.

This volatility can push investors into impulsive decisions. And impulsive decisions are almost always a bad idea when it comes to investing. When we’re not sure what to do, usually the best answer is to do nothing.

So every investor should ask a key question. Do I want to ride this merry-go-round? Am I content to play the short game, reacting to every uptick and downtick?

Or do I wish to invest based on a company’s foundational strength as determined by key industry metrics?

If you’re inclined towards the latter, then our new Cornerstone of an Equity Portfolio report is just the compass you need in this journey.

For starters, this report details a much better approach to equity analysis and risk management. If we’re going to invest in the stock market, we better understand the game we’re playing. The nuances are critical to our success.

What’s more, this report unveils a class of stocks that never get media hype. Yet they consistently drive returns year after year.

These stocks are the key to long-term success in the markets. And they are the stocks that any serious investor can use to anchor their portfolio.

In the report we also discuss the industry-specific metrics we need to understand and analyze before buying any of these stocks. This is equity analysis de-mystified. Understanding these concepts will make you a better investor going forward.

And I’ve got great news. According to the key valuation metrics, two world-class stocks are in buy range right now. These are positions we can buy today and hold for years. Maybe decades. They will deliver consistent, compounding returns and serve as the cornerstones to our portfolio.

We’ll share these two positions with you in the report. Anyone with a brokerage account can buy them tomorrow and be confident that they’ll produce returns for years to come.

I believe your financial future is too important to leave to chance. That’s why we’re making this report available today. It will provide you with the tools, understanding, and specific investments you need to solidify your portfolio.

Just click the link below to secure your copy today. I promise it will exceed your expectations. But please don’t delay. We can only keep this offer open for a short period of time.

Cornerstone of an Equity Portfolio Report

Finding True Purpose Through Financial Independence

All week we’ve discussed a new approach to retirement planning. But with this one, we scrap the traditional idea of retirement completely. Then we replace it with the pursuit of monthly cash flow and financial independence.

Now, let’s take a moment to talk about what all this financial planning is for…

I read a lot of wealth-building/self-help books back when I was just getting started on my journey. Back then, when they would talk about motivation, they would suggest readers make a list of material goods they wanted to have. Big house… fancy car… nice watch… slick wardrobe – all that stuff.

I don’t know if the wealth-building books today still pitch that nonsense… but that’s exactly what it is. Nonsense.

Financial independence isn’t about being a better consumer. It’s about creating the freedom we need to pursue our true calling.

The late Gary North used to talk about the difference between a job and a calling. Our job puts food on the table and pays the bills. Our calling is that one productive thing that we can do better than most people on the planet. It’s something that brings us fulfillment. And it could have a positive impact on our little corner of the world.

Imagine spending your days doing something that excites you and gives you purpose. Imagine having plenty of time to spend with the kids and the grandkids… to travel… and to engage in community-oriented activities.

That’s the true power of financial independence. It’s retirement, upgraded… and potentially accelerated.

And here’s the best part – achieving financial independence doesn’t require luck. Not if you are committed to a specific plan of action.

And that’s where our upcoming book comes in. It’s titled Beyond the Nest Egg: How to Be Financially Independent Outside of a Broken System.

Beyond the Nest Egg highlights the shifting macroeconomic landscape, and then it lays out a comprehensive, step-by-step plan to financial independence. The book even provides a real-world case study to demonstrate exactly how this approach works, and works incredibly well.

So I would like to leave you with one final suggestion this week – let’s not leave our financial future to chance.

Too many people are like a rudderless ship at sea, drifting about with every financial breeze that blows. I know because I was one of them. I didn’t start to experience financial success until I set my course. It’s all about getting very deliberate with every financial move we make.

Beyond the Nest Egg will lay out a specific plan of action – the same one I followed. If you would like more information or early access to our initial release, just go here: Beyond the Nest Egg – Shaking Up the Financial World

The Secret to Financial Independence

We’re talking about a new approach to money, finance, and investing this week. And as I suggested yesterday, I think we should replace the word “retirement” with “financial independence”.

Retirement as we know it today is a relic of a bygone age. It’s a myth. So instead of planning for retirement, we should plan for financial independence. And a key piece of the puzzle is monthly cash flow. Cash flow is king.

A hefty retirement account may seem like a winning ticket… but it’s simply the lesser, roundabout path to cash flow. And retirement accounts ultimately pit us against the tax code when it comes time to cash in.

Instead of retirement funds, it’s building a steady stream of tax-advantaged income that truly gives us financial independence.

So my suggestion is simple. Let’s move beyond the nest egg. Let’s set our course for financial independence, not retirement.

And here’s the catch—this isn’t achieved by following the typical financial advice. We’re talking about a fundamentally different approach to wealth.

The good news is that there’s a tried-and-true roadmap in place. And that’s what my new book Beyond the Nest Egg is all about. It sets the stage and walks readers through a process that will make financial independence a reality.

And I mean that. The book will provide you with actionable strategies and a blueprint to take control of your financial future. It’s time we write our own financial destiny.

With that in mind, I would love to provide you with an early copy of the book. We’ll have the early edition ready in the coming weeks. Then we’ll launch everything – e-book, paperback, hardback, audiobook – later this year.

I’ve got more information right here for you if you would like to get early access to Beyond the Nest Egg. We’re also offering a range of actionable bonuses for those who are willing to leave a review for the book after it goes live.

-Joe Withrow

The Myth of Retirement and The Promise of Financial Independence

Most of us have been led to believe in the idea of retirement. It’s the idea that there’s this golden phase of life. A time when we finally hang up our boots, kick back, and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

But, as we discussed yesterday, the world has fundamentally changed. And the traditional vision of retirement is quickly fading with it. We now face a stark new reality.

Today, I want to drill into that reality and introduce a concept that I think makes a lot more sense. Financial independence.

Let’s start with a simple truth. The conventional wisdom of working a lifetime, saving a fraction of your earnings, and hoping for the best isn’t cutting it anymore. The dynamics have shifted dramatically. Inflation, volatile markets, and a fundamentally changed economic landscape have exposed the flaws in traditional retirement planning.

So, what’s the alternative?

I believe it’s financial independence. But what does that mean exactly?

Financial independence is the state where your assets generate enough income to cover your living expenses. Unlike retirement, it’s not tied to an age but rather to a financial condition. You could reach it at 45 or 65—it all depends on your approach and commitment.

Now, I don’t want to make it sound like it’s an easy feat. It’s not. But I also believe it’s more achievable today than ever before. The trick lies in understanding the system, focusing your efforts, and most importantly, viewing money as a tool to gain freedom.

This is what my upcoming book Beyond the Nest Egg: How to Be Financially Independent Outside of a Broken System is all about. It’s time to rethink our thinking when it comes to money, finance, and investing.

Would you like to be among the first to get access to the book that breaks down the path to financial independence in easy-to-follow steps? Just sign up for our book launch wait list.

We also offer a wide array of valuable bonuses to early supporters who are willing to leave the book a verified review on Amazon.

More information on the book and the bonuses can be found here: Beyond the Nest Egg – Shaking Up the Financial World

-Joe Withrow